
Main Characters

Aang is the fun-loving, 12-year-old (chronologically 112-years-old) protagonist of the series. He is the current incarnation of the Avatar, the avatar of the planet manifested in human form. As the Avatar, Aang must master all four elements to bring peace to the world and balance between the four Nations. Every way the reluctant hero, Aang openly expresses that he rather be searching for fun adventure and making new friends than being charged with saving the world. Compounded with his energetic nature and childish naïvete, at times Aang can be somewhat oblivious of the world around him and others' true feelings, as he is often too preoccupied with the events immediately surrounding him to notice what occurs on a more in-depth level. However, over the course of the series, Aang matures drastically as his experiences cause him to fully realize the state of the world and gradually shape him into being physically and mentally suited for the task set before him.

Katara is 14 years old, and the only remaining Waterbender of the Southern Water Tribe (all the remaining waterbenders, including her father, went to fight in the war two years ago). Katara, along with her brother, Sokka, discovers Aang at the beginning of the series. She and Sokka accompany him on his quest to defeat the Fire Lord and bring peace to the war-torn nations. Katara is mature, loving, and responsible. Always looking out for the well-being of others, after the passing of their mother at the hands of the Fire Nation, Katara took on a motherly role over Sokka, a nature that she expressed in relation to Aang and Toph. She is an apt leader when the situation calls for one. However, she can be overbearing at times, and believes without exception that her way is the right way, never relenting on her views even when they are disproved. Despite Katara's kind nature, she has a temper which, when combined with her impressive waterbending skills and idealistic views, can be quite destructive. Against her will, she was taught the art of Bloodbending by a Waterbender from The Southern Water Tribe who was captured during the first few raids by the Fire Nation on the South Pole.

Sokka is a 15-year-old warrior of the Southern Water Tribe who, with his sister Katara, accompanies Aang on his quest to defeat the Fire Lord. The joker of the group, Sokka describes himself as "meat-loving" and "sarcastic." Unlike his companions, Sokka cannot bend an element. However, the series frequently grants him opportunities to demonstrate his true gifts: ingenuity and using weapons. He takes great pride in his mental and physical strength, though it is often overshadowed by others' ability to bend. He is extremely clever, relying on science where the mystical and martial arts elude him (thus, giving him great advantage as strategist), though his silly and immature manner often causes others to underestimate his intellect. Later in the series Sokka shows a strong ability for wielding a sword.

Toph is a 12-year-old, blind Earthbender who leaves her wealthy lifestyle and home to join Aang on his quest in order to teach him earthbending. Though blind, Toph "sees" with Earthbending, feeling vibrations in the ground that objects make when they are moving, which also allows for certain other abilities unique to her. Through her use of earthbending, she eventually learns how to metal-bend and might be the only metal-bender in existence. Toph has largely lived in seclusion all her life due to overprotective parents, which makes her somewhat selfish, sarcastic, and, at times, bitter and arrogant. She does not hesitate to speak her mind and is bluntly truthful. With the presence of friends, Toph gradually becomes less overly abrasive towards others and learns what it means to be part of a team.

Zuko is the exiled 16-year-old prince of the Fire Nation and original primary antagonist of the series. Zuko was obsessed with capturing the Avatar in his quest to restore his honor and redeem himself in the eyes of his father, Fire Lord Ozai, who deems him a complete failure. The most defining aspect of his appearance is the scar over his left eye, which he received during a forced Agni Kai with Ozai. As a result of his conflicted life, including the loss of his beloved mother Ursa, Zuko often acts temperamental, bitter, and cold to anyone he comes in contact with. However, his character is subjected to the most significant amount of development throughout the series, influenced by both the presence of his Uncle Iroh and his time as an exile. Over time, Zuko becomes less of an overbearing, pompous prince and more of an emotional outcast. He is shown to be a very caring and contemplative individual, at times struggling with his feelings of pity and bonding with the same people his nation has terrorized. He even changes his point of view towards Aang.

Azula is the 15 year-old-princess of the Fire Nation, Zuko's younger sister, and Fire Lord Ozai's pampered favorite child. Azula has been cruel and self-centered her entire life. Her mind is set on war and power; she manipulates and even tortures others to advance her own desires, ignoring family and emotional bonds whenever necessary. As a firebending prodigy with a sadistic personality, Azula is a dangerous opponent. Azula, her uncle Iroh, and her father Fire Lord Ozai, are the few Firebenders shown to possess the ability to generate lightning and is currently the only one shown who can produce blue fire, which is much hotter than an orange flame. Azula sees others as expendable, and intimidates her lackeys and all those under her command.

Iroh is a 43 year old retired Fire Nation general and Prince Zuko's uncle. Iroh is the older brother of Fire Lord Ozai and was the original heir to the throne of the Fire Nation. A powerful Firebender of great renown and respect (he is known as the Dragon of the West), he looks upon Zuko as a son more than as a nephew, especially after the loss of his own son, Lu Ten. On the surface, Iroh is a cheerful and kind old man whose hobbies include drinking tea, playing Pai Sho, and singing. But inside he is a very determined individual who would do anything to protect those he cares about. So far he is the only one shown to know about Zuko's ancestry and destiny. Much older as well as more powerful and experienced than any of the other main characters, Iroh chooses to take a less active role in the affairs of the series, acting as more of a mentor and guide to Zuko and nearly everyone he meets, including Aang and company.

Secondary Characters

Appa is the ten-ton flying bison companion of the Avatar Aang, who was also trapped with him in the iceberg. Being capable of airbending and flying, Appa has been the group's main form of transport in their quest to help Aang, and occasionally assists in battle as well. He is Aang's animal guide, with whom he shares a spiritual connection. Appa is stubborn, uncomfortable when underground, and often irritable, but is gentle, loyal, and very protective of his friends, often losing his temper when confronting someone who is a threat.

Momo is an intelligent and curious Winged Lemur who travels around the world with the group. Momo also loves to eat, and will eat as much as possible when a lot of food is available. He has a tendency to dislike other flying creatures of his size and often picks fights with them. Momo mainly serves as comic relief for the show, but has often played an important role in the plot. He and Appa share a close friendship; they often share food, and protect each other from harm.

Jet was a charismatic teen who held a deep grudge against the Fire Nation. He was the leader of the Freedom Fighters, a group of teenagers who spent their days antagonizing Fire Nation soldiers. Later, he decided to start a new life in Ba Sing Se. Katara harbours a small crush on Jet in one of the episodes of the first season, but it passes later. Jet was brainwashed by Long Feng in his base under Lake Laogai. he was killed. Jet used Twin Tiger-Head hook swords as his weapons.

Long Feng is the intelligent and cunning Grand Secretariat of Ba Sing Se, head of the Dai Li secret police, and advisor to the Earth King. In reality, the Earth King is merely a figurehead of Ba Sing Se's government, as it was actually Long Feng who held the real power, until Azula overthrew him in the final episodes of season 2.

Mai is an impassive, bored, and mysterious fifteen-year-old girl who, along with Ty Lee, accompanied Princess Azula on her quest to capture Zuko, Iroh, and the Avatar. Mai specializes in throwing weapons, which she conceals in many parts of her clothing. She has a crush on Zuko and, later in the series, the two start a relationship.

Fire Lord Ozai is the ruthless ruler of the Fire Nation, father of Zuko and Azula, younger brother of Iroh. He is leading his country in a century-long war against the other three nations to create an empire and awaits the arrival of Sozin's Comet so that the Fire Nation can utilize its Firebending-enhancing powers to win the war.

Avatar Roku was the Avatar before Aang, who was born to the Fire Nation. He was best friends with Fire Lord Sozin until the latter revealed his plans for conquest, and died underneath a landslide of an erupting volcano after Sozin left him for dead. Throughout the series, Avatar Roku appears as a spiritual advisor to help Aang fulfill his duties as the Avatar.

Suki is a fifteen year-old girl, the leader of the young female warriors of Kyoshi Island. She is a staunch ally of Aang, Katara, and Sokka, and has a close romantic relationship with Sokka. Towards the end of Book two, she was captured by Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee, as revealed in "The Day of Black Sun"; Azula claims that Suki is her prisoner.

Ty Lee is a cheerful and energetic 15 year old who, along with Mai, accompanies Princess Azula on her quest to capture Zuko, Iroh, and Aang. Ty Lee is a skilled acrobat who strikes opponents's pressure points to stop the flow of chi in her opponent's body. Disrupting chi flow against benders temporarily disables their bending ablilities. Because of this and her overwhelming agility, she is considered a fearsome opponent. Ty Lee also appears to have a crush on Sokka.

Princess Yue was the beautiful Princess of the Northern Water Tribe. She is Sokka's second love interest introduced in the series. Yue sacrifices her life to restore the Moon Spirit at the end of Book 1. As a result, she becomes the Moon Spirit herself.

Admiral Zhao was a hot-tempered Fire Nation admiral in pursuit of the Avatar and Zuko's principal rival throughout Book One. He was killed by the Ocean Spirit after he temporarily killed the Moon Spirit in an attempt to cripple the Northern Water Tribe.